PuzzleBox is a small Puzzle game where the objective is to solve all the puzzles and open up the Box that is on the Table.
Use your mouse to zoom into the puzzles. If a puzzle is solved you will zoom out and are no longer able to zoom into the puzzle.
The Box consists multible layers, each layer will remove itself after all puzzles for it are solved.
Rotate the Camare around the box by hovering at the edge of the screen.
Current State of the Game:
Currently there are only 2 layers implemented. Time ran out to finish third layer. Tutorial was implemented a bit too late and introductionary puzzles should have been on seperate layers before the first one.
Sry for the unfinished game but i don't think i will continue this one.
Not realy happy with how i had to hack things together and designing good puzzles is a bit to hard for me.
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Unplayable, incomprehensible, ugly, and completely stuck in 10 seconds of game play... A very very very bad game,,
First of i am sorry that you had problems with the game, but it was done in 48 hours as a gamejam contribution and was marked prototype.
Second of nobody forced you to play the game so this kind of response is unproductive and uncalled for.
Игра не доделана? Есть только 2 слоя для решения? Пустой третий куб ,без головоломок, просто поворачивается и все.
Sry for the late response, i had to translate your comment, The Last layer is not implemented! When you finished the second layer i congratulate you for finishing the "game".
Большое спасибо за игру)
1(серый) -I красный, 2 серый -III перечеркнутый синий. 3 сер. - II зеленый,а дальше 4 серого нет, желтый IIII . И на начальной три тире и перечеркнутая IIII . Я пробовала перечеркнутую IIII считать ,как 5 позиция равная 3 тире. Не подходит.